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Renee Rouleau Twisty Toy 2
Renee Rouleau Twisty Toy 1
No Picking! Twisty Toy
No Picking! Twisty Toy

No Picking! Twisty Toy

Rated 5.0 out of 5 stars
3 Reviews

Great for skin types:

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The No Picking! Twisty Toy is a gadget to keep your hands busy and off your face to prevent picking at your skin. Also great for those trying to quit smoking.

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  • Picking at blemishes is a no-no, so this twisty, twirly gadget helps to keep your hands busy and off your face. Ideal to use when at your desk, watching a movie or the TV or anytime you feel the need to touch your face or pick. Bonus: Even if you are not a picker, this fun toy is a great stress-reliever as well (it’s really addictive)! Quitting smoking? This toy is for you, too. (Toy is manufactured by Tangle™)

    NOTE: The color of this toy may vary. The function remains the same and you should have the same success with any color you might receive.

    If you're a skin picker, we encourage you to read and sign our No Picking Skin Contract and commit to keeping your hands off your face. For deep, sore, cystic blemishes that develop under the skin, use Anti Bump Solution.

    For fading acne red or dark scars, use Post-Breakout Fading Gel.

    For drying and healing surface blemishes and whiteheads fast, use Night Time Spot Lotion.

    For healing a blemish and protecting it from daytime makeup, use Daytime Blemish Gel.

    Which skin care products are right for you?

    Take our Skin Type Quiz to learn which products are recommended for your skin.

    See all Renée Rouleau skin care products.

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